Monday, January 3, 2022

Everything New Under the Sun


                                                Everything New Under the Sun

While studying early 1900s history this week I ran across some interesting trivia -- about early automobiles.

The most popular autos were powered by electricity -- they were called EVs (electrical vehicles).

About 40% of all automobiles on the roads between 1900-1915 were electric! About 30-35% were gasoline powered and the rest were powered by steam.

EVs were easier to start and cleaner to operate. Even Henry Ford's wife drove an EV.

(The first Porsche built in 1898 was electric.)

 And during that time in New York City all taxis and most trucks were EVs.

This reminds me of Solomon's observations recorded in Ecclesiastes: "There is nothing new under the sun," he wrote in chapter 1, verse 9.

That does seem to be true these days, too. "Been there - done that" we say. "Hold on to that dress -- it's come back  into style again." And "The more things change the more they remain the same." Etc...

Solomon continues his observations on the futility and emptiness of life until the end of the book where he summarized his last consideration with the greatest life-lesson of all: 'Know God and His commandments. That has lasting importance.You will be accountable..' 

And that's also still true. All that matters is our relationship with God. All else is trivial and futile and provides only emptiness of spirit. Be God-centered, not man- and self-centered.

And then flip over the the last book in the BIble, to the closing chapters of Revelation. Hear God's words, "Behold I make all things new"...and then there will  be lots of things "New under the sun"!

Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus!

(I guess we will have spirit-powered transportation when we get there! I'm counting it! Just 'Beam me up"!)

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