Saturday, November 27, 2021

God's Shining Face

The LORD said to Moses, tell Aaron and his sons, 'This is how you are to bless the Israelites: say to them:

'"The LORD bless you and keep you;
 the LORD make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
The LORD turn His face toward you
and give you peace.'"
Numbers 6:22-26

Ancient words. 

Familiar words.

This morning's prayer: LORD, let me read these words as if for the first time.

A shining face is the opposite of an angry, glaring face.

Someone might look at me with disgust or hatred.

Or indifference.

A shining face shows favor, friendliness, and eagerness to speak and share intimate fellowship.

A shining face is a welcoming face.

A shining face displays joy in closeness.

God's shining face shows His love and grace toward us, His creatures.

I might say to someone, 'God bless you!'

I mean 'God bless you in your activity. Make your day successful.'

But this Aaronic blessing is so much more.

God wants His people to have a close, joyous, gracious personal relationship with Himself.

It's His shining face He wants us turn to us.

Is that the greatest miracle of all?

We can stand up straight and tall in His Presence,
feeling the warmth of His Love-Light shining upon us, as we bask in His closeness.

I love these ancient words. I'm afraid I had forgotten their centrality to our faith.

Remember the old hymn, Lead On, O King Eternal?

Lead on, O King Eternal, we follow,
 not with fears;
For gladness breaks like morning,
where'er Your Face appears....

God's shining Face is a golden theme in scripture, appearing dozens of times, reminding us we can enter His Presence with boldness, because He has turned His shining Face on us.

Is this the greatest miracle of all?

Maybe we shall greet each other with these words every day.....

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His Face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
The LORD turn His Face toward you
and give you peace.

My peace I give you, said the Lord Jesus.

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