Monday, May 30, 2022

Challenging Words from a Long Time Ago!


                                             Challenging Words from a Long Time Ago!

John Chrysostom, one of the early church fathers -- 1600 years ago -- observed:

"Do you see how everywhere Paul puts the health of the community into the hands of each individual?"

Yes! We are called to "serve one another in love," "be at peace with one another," "submit to one another," "live in harmony with one another, "forgive one another," "teach and admonish one another," "be patient, bearing with one another in love," "confess your sins to one another," and so many other admonitions.

We all have a part in  the nurturing and growing of those who are following Christ alongside of us!

And as we nurture each other the whole body of Christ becomes stronger.

So it is just as that early church leader  said, 'the health of the entire Christian community is in the hands of each individual.'

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