Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Good Judge

I know that the LORD will  maintain the cause of the afflicted
and give justice for the poor. 
Surely the righteous shall give thanks in Your name;
the upright will dwell in Your presence.
Psalm 140:12-13

The world seems so full of hurt for so many.

It is distressing to see how the poor and powerless are often

We know You are the only truly righteous Judge, and someday You will even things out.

In the meantime, You have asked us to extend justice in Your name. To seek out injustice and cruelty and evil around us and confront it  whenever we can, and to begin to establish Your perfect and holy 
kingdom  here "on earth, as it is in heaven."

Help us be strong and speak for You. Show us where we can do the most good. Help us relieve suffering wherever we encounter it --
for all Your created ones.

And help us keep our eyes on that future  kingdom that is still to come -- that kingdom that will be all eternal goodness and perfection for ever.

Help us to find people to bring with us when we arrive in Your
presence where there is no sadness, no suffering, no tears -- only perfect joy with You forever!

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