Monday, July 12, 2021

What brings God delight?

                                       What Brings God Delight?

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl our iniquities into the depths of the sea.  Micah 7:18-19

These words linger on and in my heart these days. Almost like a sticky note attached to my mind - and I am so grateful for these
"sticky notes from God our Father"!

What He is reminding me is that He doesn't extend mercy grudgingly, as a stingy miser might, out of his own meager supply. God "delights" to give us His mercy! It gives Him pleasure! And it comes from His unlimited abundance!

No wonder non-believers find it difficult to believe in and accept this God! He LOVES us, and so He LOVES to pardon and forgive.

It does seem like a crazy story - who would make up a religion like this? After years of studying evolution and anthropology, (with its teaching that all religions are man-made) this is why I came back to believing in the God of our Bible - it's such a crazy story - no one would make it up - and so it must be true!

C. S. Lewis said sort of the same thing - As an adult, he turned from atheism to theism and then to Christianity - not because of some vague belief in an "intelligent designer" but because of the God proclaimed in the Bible - "I believe, not just in any god, but in this God!" he said.

Then I notice what He does with our sins - He hurls them into the depths of the sea - He doesn't just drop them overboard in a lake or shallow pond --  He hurls them - away from His presence forever!
Someone has said: And then He puts up a 'no fishing' sign - telling us we can't go back and retrieve them - they are gone FOREVER - and we must understand that and not bring them up again! He doesn't, so why should we?

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