Friday, July 2, 2021

Why Not Believe?

                                            Why Not Believe?

I'm reading Romans 1. Since I love history it is a great chapter to describe the history of the world in just 32 verses!

Particularly striking to me this reading is verse 25: "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie."

We always exchange things voluntarily -- we want something else more.

That's true for all the gifts we receive. 

Maybe we want a different size or color. But for whatever reason, we want something else more.

I have read several studies recently recounting various debates and discussions between Christians and atheists.

I notice an interesting theme --  When a Christian asks an atheist, "If Christianity was proven to you to be true - if Christ were to be proven to be who He said He was - would you become a Christian?"

A surprising number say "No." 

Think of it: if demonstrable proof could be found to prove beyond a doubt that Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God and Creator of the world - if His claims were proven to be true -  if He were to appear on the stage in front of them and show His scars, they would still not follow Him! (And that's hard for me to believe!)

There is a lot of logical evidence for our faith. It is not a 'Leap into the dark" but a leap into the sensible light of clear thinking.

But this is a reminder that if people choose not to believe we are wasting our time trying to argue with them. 

We should still scatter seeds and pray for a harvest. But we must remember that faith is a gift from God Himself. And we must wait for Him to move.

We must still be obedient and spread the word, but the harvest is not up to us.

Some people, no matter what, will choose to exchange their gift for something else.

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