Friday, July 9, 2021

What Made David Happy?

                                                 What Made David Happy?

Words from David recorded in Psalm 26: "I go about your altar, LORD, proclaiming aloud your praise and telling all your wonderful deeds. LORD, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells."

How joyous David is that he can come into the  house where God lives, where God's glory dwells.He moves freely around, praising God out loud! Such a beautiful picture!

But what about us? The gospel tells us that now Jesus Is the true temple (John 2) -- that God's glory dwells in Him and with all of us who unite with Him through faith (1 Peter 2). 

Those people in the next row with the whiny baby? That lady who really should carry a box of Kleenex with her? Those young people who don't dress right for church (or anywhere else for that matter!) 

They should be objects of my love and respect because God's glory dwells in them!

Father, each of my brothers and sisters in your family has your image and is precious in your sight, and house Christ and His glory. How can I be cold, impatient, irritable, and disrespectful to them? How can I look down at them? 

But I do sometimes. I need more of your love -- please fill me  to joyful overflowing -- your fountain has an endless supply. And I stand here with an empty heart.

As You have been to me, help me to be to others.


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