Thursday, July 1, 2021

Why Did Jesus Come? Thoughts from Oswald Chambers


Why Did Jesus Come?

                                        -- Thoughts from Oswald Chambers

"We have to recognize that sin is a fact of life, not just a shortcoming.

Sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either side, sin or God, must die in my life.

The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue: if sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed. If God rules in me, sin in me must be killed.

There is nothing more fundamental than that.

The culmination of sin was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will also be true in your history and in mine - that is, sin will kill the life of God in us.

We must mentally bring ourselves to terms with this fact of sin.

It is the only explanation why Jesus Christ came to earth, and it is the explanation of the grief and sorrow of life."

          [1 John 3:8 -- The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.]


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