Sunday, April 11, 2021

It's About the Cross!


                                          It's About the Cross!

A reminder - No matter how beautiful and glorious Easter morning is - how joyous and how hopeful - how beautiful and sparkling - it was not that day that brought us back to God.

It was the bloody, gruesome, ugly events  of Friday that did that miracle!

The early Christians understood this. Read through the gospels and see how much space they give to the suffering of our Lord - His beatings, His humiliations, and finally His crucifixion: may pages and great detail.

But only a chapter or two about His resurrection.

Many of my non-believer friends are bothered by this. They want to know why we focus so much on the blood and horrifying gore.

That's easy to answer. All sin is such an act of disobedience and rebellion against our holy God - the penalty required to remove those sins is high indeed. In fact, only a perfect substitute could take our place and bear that guilt and penalty for us. By taking our place and paying the cost to clear us, Christ was able to bring us back into a relationship  with God. - that is, achieve our salvation and giving us access again to our Father - restoring us to the position God intended for us all along.

And Christ came to do this! He came to die! It was His blood that saved us. It was His sufferings that brought us peace with God. "By His stripes we are healed the prophet Isaiah, predicted.

So it's not about Christmas. It's not about Easter Sunday. 

It's about the cross!

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