Saturday, May 22, 2021

Heartgard for Humans

                                                        Heartgard for Humans 

"A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart" (Luke 6:45).

Those words were spoken by Jesus. He was likely thinking about words recorded hundreds of years earlier by Solomon in the Old Testament, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23).

We understand something Jesus' audience did not at that time understand: that Jesus Himself was the source of the inspired writings of Solomon, and all the other words recorded in the Old Testament. Jesus, The Word, had become flesh, and came to dwell with His people on earth. 

(Remember, the last time He came to us He came in disguise, as a little baby in the manger in Bethlehem, Next time He will not be in disguise - everyone will see Him coming and will recognize Him. His audience then will either cheer in glorious praise or fall down and cringe in horror and fear. Be on the winning side!)

So how do we 'Guard our heart'?

How do we protect it and keep safe and pure to be God's temple-home?

First, by staying in God's Word. Seeing what God loves and values and purpose to love and value  those things. See what God hates - and hate those things, too. Seek to model our lives - our hearts - after Christ. Don't give evil any entrance into our hearts - guard the door with prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit

(I remember a friend once told me that when she heard Satan knocking at her door she just sent a quick message to Jesus, saying, "Jesus, would You get the door for me?")

Remember, our God is not a God who hides Himself. He eagerly reveals Himself to us. He always tells us what He wants and helps us do those things.

He takes pleasure in our obedience.

What an amazing God we have!.

P.S. We buy a product called Heartgard for our puppies, to protect them from various diseases that could cost them pain and discomfort, and maybe even prove fatal. We give it to them once a month - our heart guard is best taken daily!

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