Sunday, May 2, 2021

We are What We Eat?


                                                            We Are What We Eat?

Reading Paul's words to the Romans Christians: "I urge you, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- which is your true and proper worship" (Romans 12:1)

After Jesus came, the time for animal sacrifice was over. Now is the time to offer ourselves to live for and trough Him! 

So all of life becomes an act of worship. Every act -- every experience -- everything we think, do and say - becomes an opportunity to worship our loving Father.

What is God showing me here? Hows should I respond to this person? How am I to be the heart and hands of Jesus?

All of life becomes charged with the very presence of God -- and as we focus on Him and His glory we become more like Him. He actually begins to transform us into His image -- it is the result of our focused worship of Him!

Wouldn't it be great if people actually did see Jesus in us?

Years ago we were told to watch our diet - we would become what we eat! Eat a lot of fat, become fat, and all that...

No,  we become what we worship!

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