Friday, April 12, 2024

It's A Hallelujah Day!

Want to make this  a Hallelujah Day?

Make it your goal to please God today -- not to finish your "to do list" for the week...not to schedule more activities for the weekend --- but to, in every way, all day -- seek to please God!

Psalm 147:11 tells us: "The LORD delights in those who fear [hold in awe and adore] Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love."  Fearing Him and trusting in Him pleases Him. No matter the circumstances ...acknowledging that we know He is faithful pleases Him. Just as an earthly father delights in his children when they trust him.

Then it gets even better -- Look at Philippians 2:9. "For God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Not just the desire...but the POWER to do what pleases Him. He shows us what He wants us to do,  and then helps us do it! What an amazing God we have!

It's going to be a Hallelujah Day for sure!

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