Saturday, July 31, 2021

What is God's Will? from David Platt

The more we know God, and the more we walk in His will, the more we understand how foolish it is to think He would ever want to hide it [His will] from us.

Instead, we realize that His desire for us to know His will is exponentially greater than our desire to know it.

He desires for us to know His will so much that He reveals it to us in His Word.

God has a will and He has made it clear. From cover to cover in the Bible, God wills to redeem men and women from every nation tribe, language, and people by His grace and for His glory.

At the beginning of history, God created man and woman to enjoy his grace and extend His glory across the earth. (Genesis 1:26-28).

The patriarchs then show us how God blesses His people so that His blessing will be spread to all people. (Genesis 12:1-3; 26:4; 28:14).

The psalmist in the Old Testament knows this is God's will, so he prays, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His Face to shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations." (Psalm 67:1-2).

The will of God is clear from cover to cover in Scripture. From beginning to end, God wills to be worshipped.

He wills for all people to hear, receive, embrace, and respond to the gospel of His grace for the sake of His glory all over the globe.

This will is not intended to be found; it is intended to be followed.

We don't have to wonder about God's will when we've been created to walk in it.

We have no need to ask God to reveal His will for our lives; instead we ask God to align our lives with the will He has already revealed.

---From Follow Me, By David Platt, Chapter 6.

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