Monday, July 5, 2021

A Prayer for Almost very Day

                                                     A Prayer for Almost Every Day


I sometimes do doubt You.

 ......That's sinful of me. 

I think of the man who told You, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief."

I do generally believe You are with me and You are caring for me. But sometimes I get distracted by my fears and anxious thoughts. They consume me! And I return to old habits.

Who can I trust more than You? Myself? That would be the most foolish thing of all!

Thank You for being my Abba, Father who takes my fears seriously and doesn't reject me when I fail.

Thank You that I can bring all my thoughts to You and You lovingly hold me and reassure me that I can always count on You to protect me and keep all Your promises.

There's no one else I can count on and I desire You above anything else.

Thank You forever for Your unfailing and unlimited love.



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