Monday, January 4, 2021

What We Learned in 2020


                        What We Learned in 2020

The important stuff - the most important stuff - is still the same.

1. God is still on His throne

2. Jesus  is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords

3. The Bible still has the answers to all our problems

4. The tomb is still empty

5. Jesus is still the only Way to bring us back to God. To change us from being

     enemies of God to being His friends

6. Prayer  still works and God hears our every prayer

7. The cross, not the government, is our salvation

8. There is still room at the cross...'though millions have come there is still  room for one!' - Me!

9. Jesus will save anyone who places their faith and trust in Him

10.  God will be with us always. He will never leave us --  He will never let go of our hand!

11. Our life here is just a temporary assignment- a great future is planned for us!

[I'm sure you can think of more - just add them to the list!]

Isn't it great to know we can still count on the most important things to be stable sand secure - 

no matter what is happening right now! 


                GOD IS GOOD -- ALL THE TIME!  

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