Friday, February 12, 2021

Nothing ever happens around here!

It was a cold winter on the frontier - the coldest anyone could remember. 

And February was blustery with winds seeking crevices and cracks in the log cabins, as if it, too, were trying to escape the cold temperatures to find some warmth around the fireplaces of the pioneers.

The village inn was crowded with travelers going about their usual businesses who sought a few hours of respite.

They chatted in the bar with the innkeeper.

One asked, "Well, tell us about Kentucky. What goes on around here?"

He answered, "Nothing ever happens around here. Nothing. We are quiet and predictable. You would probably call us 'boring.' Mostly just poor farmers trying to farm a little and save enough food to last them and their families for months like this. No, nothing ever happens around here."

The bar maid said, "Oh, well, Nancy and Tom Lincoln had a baby this morning. They had a little boy and named him 'Abraham.' Lofty name for a little one. Tom said they would call him 'Abe.' But that's all. Nothing ever happens around here."

It was February 12, 1809...212 years ago. And we still today celebrate that little boy's birth!

But, "nothing ever happens around here," they thought!

I wonder what's happening right around us - right now- something momentous?- something we might miss!?

God, open our eyes to see what You are doing - right here, and right now! And let us be a part of it!
surprise and amaze us! For Your honor and  glory.

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