Saturday, May 2, 2020

As Jesus Has Been To Me

Just thinking about that special verse in Psalm 23 - the Shepherd Psalm - the part that says "He makes me lie down in green pastures..."

I guess He has to make us lie down, to be still, and to rest.

Just like now. We would never do it on our own. So here we are - retreating from the world. Resting.Waiting. 

When this is over I don't want to have a big party. I want to be able to  celebrate this time as a time I was able to stop my plans - my agenda - and focus on nothing but God Himself!

Remembering what "the main thing" is....and re-learning "how to make the main thing the main thing."

I want to be able to celebrate what God done in me!

Will I ever get another opportunity like this?

It's like He is giving me another chance  - a chance to cherish my friends and family, exercise patience, extend carefully thought out acts of love - joyfully to forgive - to be to others as Jesus has been to me.

A time to actually consider others.

He is giving me another chance to get it right!  But He had to stop me just where I was to teach make me listen to His voice.

I will be forever grateful for this experience.

He had to do this before He could "restore my soul" as the next verses say. And I really needed that restoration!

And so I thank Him, and look forward to the future when "I will dwell in His house" -with  Him  - forever!

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