Friday, May 1, 2020

He Makes Me Lie Down

I'm thinking today about that special Psalm - 23rd - beloved for millions of people all over the world. Best known, I guess, as the
Shepherd Psalm.

I am thinking about the verse that says, "He makes me  to lie down in green pastures..."  

What a beautiful picture!

Just imagine a lovely lush velvety green pasture - sheep lying at peace and safety....(I would add a butterfly or two, and may be some happy bunnies... but that's not part of His story, at least not here.)

I guess sometimes He has to make us lie down - to stop - to rest - to focus on hearing His voice, away from all the distractions of our world.

Like now.

We would probably never do it on our own. We are so busy with our own plans, our daily agenda and all that "Much ado about nothing" that seems to run our lives.

So here we are - retreating from the world.

When this is over....I don't want a big party. I want to be able
to celebrate a time I was able to stop my plans and my agenda - and focus on nothing but God Himself!

Will I ever get another opportunity like this?

It's like He's giving me another chance to sort out my priorities, remember what the "main thing" is...and to reflect on how I can "make the main thing the main thing" every day.

When we get back to normal...? Do I want to get back to normal? No, I want a "new normal."

I will be forever grateful for this experience. He had to make me stop and listen before He could "restore my soul" as the further verse says. And I really needed that "restoration."

So I thank Him..and look forward to the future when "I shall dwell with Him in His house forever!"

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