Monday, March 4, 2024

A Call to Worship from the World Around Us

A Special Treat for Today

Read Psalm 104. Focus on verse 24: "How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures."

Sounds like a call to worship! There are 5,000 known species of sponges on the ocean floor and over 300,000 species of beetles living among us; thousands of different flowers, trees, birds and animals. 

Some are breathtakingly beautiful and some are enchantingly odd.

Why? They reveal the wealth of God's creativity, His  love of beauty, and often His sense of humor! All designed by His divine wisdom.

This verse invites us to marvel at it all and also to study and explore His miracles.  We view them as artists and also as scientists.

Stop and gaze at the world around you today. Be awed in 'wonder, love and praise'! And listen carefully and you might hear their joyful song:

"In reason's ear they all rejoice,

And utter forth a glorious voice!

Forever singing as they shine,

'The Hand that made us in divine!'"

--Joseph Addison

Open our ears, Lord!


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