Thursday, March 14, 2024

What Does It Mean to Open a Bible?

 From David Platt in his book "Radical" --

"God has chosen in His matchless grace to give us a revelation of Himself in His Word.

It is the only Book that He has promised to bless by His Spirit to transform you and me into the image of Jesus Christ. It is the only Book that He has promised to use to bring our hearts, our minds, and our lives into alignment with Him.

I'm not saying that God has not used or blessed other books throughout Christian history, but there is only one Book that He has perfectly inspired by His Spirit for the accomplishment of His purpose.

When you or I open the Bible, we are beholding the very words of God -- words that have supernatural power to redeem, renew, refresh, and restore our lives to what He created them to be.

If we want to know the glory of God, if we want to experience the beauty of God, and if we want to be used by the hand of God, then we must live in the Word of God."

[supernatural power to restore us to what He created us to be....]

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