Saturday, March 9, 2024

What I Need Today

 James 1:20 -19-- "You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires."

So simple! So easy to understand! So hard to do!

Anger does not fix anything...and God wants us to fix things!

There is ample reason to get angry these days. Much of what we feel we call "righteous indignation."

I have found that much of what we call "righteous indignation" isn't! It's pride and empty ''virtue signaling' -- showy and self-serving.

The righteousness God desires is not produced by our anger. It takes intentional actions of calm resolution and persevering determination. It takes planning, organizing, stubbornness and relentless energy.

Since we are the ones who messed up God's perfect creation, it only makes sense that we fix the problems in front of us!

What's on your list of things to fix?

[P.S. I also need the first parts of that verse, "quick to listen and slow to speak."]

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