Monday, March 11, 2024

Talking to Yourself

Psalm 103:1-2

   "Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy Name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits."

  Here is a good example of the psalmist talking to himself. When David writes phrases like "my soul" and "o my soul" he is saying, "I am talking to myself."

(What do you say when you talk to yourself?)

What is he telling himself in this Psalm? He is saying "Praise the LORD," and "don't forget how God as blessed you!"....really great things for us to say, too, when we talk to ourselves!

(You could take out those words and put your name in their place.)

 Maybe it would be good for us to stop now and remember how God has blessed us! 

Remember the old song, "Count Your Blessings"? We used to sing it a lot - I don't hear it much anymore. Maybe that helps explain why we are so cynical and pessimistic these days.

Count your blessings. 

Name them one by one.

Count your blessing 

See what God has done!

Count your blessings

Name them one by one

And it will surprise you

What the Lord has done!

Maybe this would be a good time to take out your journal - your big one - and start making that list...and it may surprise you -- what the Lord has already done for you!

What's first on your list?

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