Saturday, March 16, 2024

There Is No Hurry

A Sort-Of Made-Up Story

Scene: Satan and several of his esteemed advisors are meeting secretly

Satan is worried. 
He is behind schedule. By this time he had planned to have God and His influence completely erased from American culture. But he has met far more résistance than he had anticipated. He calls an emergency conference with his top advisors.

"What can we do to speed up our work?" he begins. "We must get rid of all acknowledgment of our Enemy! We must erase him. We cannot let him win. We are too close to victory!"

One advisor speaks up. "We just keep telling them their god is a myth, that there is no god like that. There is no god at all. We are making progress on the campuses. It just takes longer than we thought."

Satan becomes angry. "That hasn't worked! We have been trying that for decades. The Enemy's followers just come up with more ridiculous propaganda. We need a new plan!"

Another suggests: "Let's discredit the Enemy. Tell people he really doesn't care about them. He does not love them! They are believing in a fairy tale."

"No," Satan booms. "Our Enemy does love them - those ridiculous bi-peds! I don't know why but he does and they know it!"

The last advisor hesitates and then speaks up quietly, "I have an idea. Let's keep them on the fence. Tell  them not to worry about it -- there is no hurry...Just take their time and consider all possibilities. Don't be in a hurry to throw their lives away!"

Satan beams! "That's perfect! Don't make a decision yet. Wait. There is time. There is no hurry! I love it! That is now our official strategy! There is no hurry!"

(2 Corinthians 6:2 -- "Now is the acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation.")

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