Friday, February 26, 2021

Challenge - Jesus' Close Friends - Philip - Review

Lesson 7 - Challenge

This Challenge covers the 6 studies on Philip

1. List the first six disciples:  ____________,
______________, and ______________ (Matthew 10:2-3. Bartholomew is also called Nathanael).

2. The disciples are listed in Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14 and Acts 1:13.  Philip is listed in the same position in each list. What is that position?___

3. In the list of disciples in Acts 1:13, who (verse 14) joined them?____________________________
What were they doing?___________________

4. Put these events in chronological order:

     1. Andrew and John become followers of John the Baptizer
     2. Philip asks Christ to "show us the Father"
     3. The Greek gentiles ask Philip to let them "see
     4. Christ asks Philip how to feed a great multitude of followers
     5. Andrew and John become disciples of Christ
     6. Philip finds Nathanael and tells him he has found the one Moses had written about

Write the numbers in the correct chronological order:


5. What town was Peter, Andrew and Philip from?

     _____1. Jerusalem
     _____2. Samaria
     _____3. Bethsaida
     _____4. Bethlehem

6. Philip went to his friend Nathanael and said (John 1:45):

7. _____ (T/F) Jesus told the crowd that John the
Baptizer was "one of the greatest men who had ever lived" (Matthew 11:11).

8.  In Titus 3:5 we read that Jesus saves us, not
because of_____________________________, but

9. In Ephesians 1:3-4 we read that God the Father chose us to be in Christ - when? __________________________________.

10. What does "chosen" mean?_______________


11. What other group in the Bible (Old Testament) did God also "choose"?______________________

12. Who will be with Jesus in the new kingdom
(Revelation 17:14)?_______________________

13. What bothered the Pharisees in John 12:19?


14. In Revelation 5:9-10 a "new song" is being heard.  Why was Jesus worthy of their praise?

15. In the same passage, what will happen to the people Jesus purchased (redeemed)?

Where did they come from?________________

Who did he purchase them for?_____________

16. In Revelation 5:12, what is Jesus worthy to receive?________________________________

17. Jesus tells his disciples that he no longer regards them as_______________ but as______________.

18. See Proverbs 17:17. When does a friend 'love'?

What does the next phrase mean?

19. What part of God did Moses see?___________

20. How did Elijah hear the voice of God?_______

21. In John 14:9-10 Jesus talks about "seeing" and
"knowing." But in Verse 11 he tells us what is of
supreme importance. What is that?_____________
Did Philip understand his words? Do you?

22. Jesus told His disciples he would have to leave
them but that the Father would send a helper.
In John 14:15-31 this helper is called by several names. List them:_______________________

23. In John 14:23-24 "love" is linked directly with
_______________. Turn to Nehemiah 1:5 and
notice how the 2 same characteristics are linked together. Throughout the Bible they are linked as
solidly as "ham and eggs" and "bread and butter"
and "salt and pepper."

24. Look at John 14:21. Who is the one who truly loves Christ?_____________________________

What Finally Happened to Philip?
Ancient non-biblical texts tell us that Philip, following Christ's resurrection, went with his sister, Mariamne, and Bartholomew (Nathanael) to preach in Greece, Phrygia and Syria. The traditional record says Philip, while at Hierapolis (in Phrygia, modern Turkey), miraculously healed the wife of the proconsul of the city, and she accepted Christ's gift of salvation.
The enraged proconsul had Philip and his sister and
Bartholomew tortured. Philip and Bartholomew were crucified upside down and Philip preached from his cross. The watching crowd released Bartholomew, but Philip insisted they not release him, and he died.
Symbols for Philip have traditionally included the Latin Cross, a cross with two loaves, a basket filled with bread.
On Wednesday, July 27, 2011, the Turkish news agency reported that archaeologists had unearthed the Tomb of Saint Philip during excavations in Hierapolis, close to the Turkish town of Denizli.
The Italian professor Francesco D'Andria stated that the scientists had discovered the Tomb within a newly revealed church. He stated that the design of the Tomb and writing on its walls definitely prove it belonged to the martyred Apostle of Jesus.

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