Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Holy Eraser - C S Lewis


                                     The Holy Eraser 

                                                       --  From The Problem of Pain, by C S Lewis

     It would, no doubt, have been possible for God to remove by miracle the results of the first sin ever committed by a human being, but this would not have been much good unless He was prepared to remove the results of the second sin, and of the third, and so on forever.

     If the miracles ceased, then sooner or later we would have reached our present lamentable situation: if they did not, then a world  thus continually underpropped and corrected by Divine interference, would have been a world in which nothing important ever depended on human choice.

     As we see, the chess player's freedom to play depends on the rigidity of the square and the moves.


[And who would want to live in a world where "nothing important ever depended on human choice"? Thank God for giving us choices, for asking us to clean up this world, holding us responsible for our choices, allowing us to live in a  world where judgment is a moral necessity. We are not robots, we were created in the  holy image of God, and He treats us with dignity and respect, by making us accountable as guardians of His creation.]


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