Monday, February 22, 2021

Jesus' Close Friends - Philip - Part 3

We learn a lot about Philip at the Feeding of the Five Thousand...

This is the second picture we have of him in scripture.

We read about it in John, chapter 6, verses 1-13.

     When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd
     coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where
     shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"

     He asked this only to test him, for he already
     had in mind what he was going to do.

     Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages
     would not buy enough bread for each one to
     have a bite."

This is an insightful picture of Philip. We can see
his inner personality here. He is certainly practical.

I enjoy imagining him stand there on the grassy
slopes, maybe his robes flapping a little in a gentle
breeze, focusing his attention in a small cluster of
people, counting them -30? or 40? there in that
group - then quickly glancing over the whole crowd
and calculating how many such groups made up the whole - figuring a total approximate number - (like we might do in a crowded assembly hall or arena) multiplying the cost of bread per person - and coming up with an answer! A hopelessly human answer - but certainly an accurate assessment of the problem.

Philip had a lot to learn. He got caught up in all his mental calculation and mathematical knowledge - his expertise.

And he got caught up in the immediate crisis. Much like we do when we get an unexpected bill in the mail - we wring our hands and quickly figure how short we are in our account-- maybe decide, "I need to get a
parttime job, to earn x-amount of dollars to pay this," or "how can I get out of this?" Or, "well, there goes our vacation!"

We will have learned a lot about our heavenly Father when we have learned to take each crisis, each difficulty, before Him and ask for His help and wisdom, as soon as it arises.

Philip was probably proud of his mental abilities and maybe enjoyed showing off his knowledge. But in so doing, he really showed off his ignorance, because when he made his calculation, he neglected to figure Christ into his equation!

Philip had a head for figures, but his heart for Christ still needed some work.

I understand Philip very well.

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