Friday, April 9, 2021

The Good Shepherd - The Shadow of the Valley

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Psalm 23:4

We often hear these verses at deathbeds and funerals, to comfort the dying and the living. It is appropriately used this way.

But the main meaning is that the shepherd has the ability to protect the sheep in any kind of danger.

The phrase valley of the shadow of death refers specifically to the passage the shepherd uses to move the sheep from the lowlands where the sheep spend the winter, through the valleys to the high pastures where they go in summer.

The high pastures have the richest grazing land and abundant water. That's where they will spend late spring and summer.

But there is also great danger. Wild animals lurk in the hidden caves and crevices of the broken canyon walls, waiting for helpless prey.

Sudden storms sweep down the valleys, maybe even causing floods in the narrow passageways and blocking escape routes.

The sun does not shine as brightly into the canyons, so there really is a shadow that might at any moment become a shadow of death. They might fall from a precipice and suffer death or grave injury.

No other type of animal requires more perfect handling and controlled direction than do the helpless sheep. 

A good shepherd is essential for their survival. He will lead them through all the harrowing experiences as they journey from the lowlands to the high verdant pastures.

I am the good Shepherd, Jesus said. He will lead us safely through life's difficult times.

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