Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Gentle Reminder

Sometimes in a Bible class I ask those present to tell me how they came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and how they came to receive His message. It is, of course, the most important decision a person ever makes -- "What are you going to do with Jesus?"

I remember reading about C. S. Lewis' experience. He came first to the realization that there was indeed a Sovereign God. He says this knowledge came gradually. Then one day he realized that he had, in fact, moved form atheism to a sort of theism.

But he knew it could not stop there. "Now I am going to have to come to a decision about Jesus Christ," he said to himself. And a few months later that moment came and he acknowledged that Jesus Christ, was in fact, the incarnate God who came to earth, just as the ancient manuscripts announced.

Whenever I listen to people relate their spiritual journey, I hear some of the different roads they traveled.

Some say it was during a Billy Graham Crusade, either being at the event in person, or watching it on TV or listening on the radio. (I have a friend who was listening on the car radio, and when the Holy Spirit spoke, he had to immediately drive to the shoulder of the road and bow his head. He was not able to drive any further until the issue was settled.)

Chuck Colson talks about a Christian friend giving him a copy of Mere Christianity and that while reading it in his car, his own heart was convicted of sin and convinced of the adequate atonement of Christ Jesus to solve his sin problem. He bowed his head and wept tears of joy.

Some people say their parents taught them early. Others talk about youth retreats sponsored by their church, or pastors, or Sunday School teachers who gently showed them the gospel truth.

All of these pathways to Christ are miracles to the one who has come to Jesus.

But what does the Scripture say?

Look at I Corinthians 1:30: "It is because of Him (God the Father) that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption."

It's good to remember that salvation is always (ALWAYS) initiated by God, not by me, nor by my friends, teachers, authors.

This brings me a sense of joyful freedom. The desire to jump up and click my heels together (there was a time when I could actually do that -- now I just do it in my mind).

Since it all starts and ends with God, I don't have to worry about being responsible for making things happen in His kingdom. What a relief! I can serve Him eagerly and without the burden of "accomplishment" bearing down on me.

In God's Kingdom, His is the seed. His is the soil, the implements, and water. All of it is His. I am not even a tenant farmer -- they share in the harvest -- I am just a laborer. I am not responsible for the weather, for the rocks in the soil, for the birds overhead trying to snatch the seed. I am just responsible to make myself available for God to use to distribute the seed as He leads me.

We just have to be available for God's love so that the gospel can be extended through us. We are instruments in His hands. The response is all up to Him.

I need to remind myself of this continually. I should not feel pressure to get is because of the Father Himself, not me, that anyone is found in Christ.

DOXOLOGY! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

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