Tuesday, June 9, 2020

An Evening Prayer

My Father,

I am so tired and  weary tonight -  it was a challenging day.

I'm so thankful You are there - eager for me to come to You.

Please remove the anxiety I still feel in my mind - that 'hurry up' feeling that permeated everything I attempted to do today. Why am I still carrying it around?

Why do I still feel my heart pounding? Why do I feel so inadequate? Why do I feel I just don't measure up to others?
Why do I even care what others think? Your smile of approval is the only smile I really need, or want,  to see.

I know that feeling this way is a major sin -- because I am not just disobeying You -- I am doubting Your goodness in caring for me.
And that might be the biggest sin of all. Doubting Your goodness - 
You - the only truly faithful Friend I have ever had.  And I know
that, but I get distracted by the demands assaulting me.

Please remove all the urgency, frustration, the fears and disappointments of this day.

Give me Your peace, comfort and joy -- and the gift of restful sleep.

Please restore me and strengthen me while I sleep so I can face another new day - a new opportunity to love and serve You.

Thank you for always forgiving me and giving me another chance to do it right!

I love You so much and and I know You love me.

That's what keeps me going. And I am still amazed that You kept going -- all the way to the cross -- nothing stopped You!

I will praise You and thank You forever and forever.


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