Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Sometime ago, I heard someone say that, according to Jerry Seinfeld's personal study, children laugh around 75 times a day. Adults? About 12. I asked my sister, "Is that what is wrong with the world?" She thinks that it might be part of the problem.

So I got on Amazon and ordered a joke book. I thought maybe I could start telling jokes and people would around me would laugh.

The book arrived and Art asked me why in the world I bought a "Jokelpedia."

I said I wanted to make adults laugh more. LOL. Laugh Out Loud!

So I started reading the large volume. And, to be honest with you, I am not finding much of anything really funny. Maybe worth a smile or two, or more likely a groan, but no real laugh.

Here's one: What do you do if your cake strikes out? ( Ans: Call in the next batter.) I'm not sure this joke book is going to change the world for the better (or for the batter?)

Then I looked at the kids around me. They do laugh all the time. A little one in a highchair just claps her hands and giggles. My little nephews chase each other, laughing all the time. They are not laughing at jokes, though, they are just laughing in delight about life!

Then I began to see that in more children. They just giggle and poke each other, grin and laugh uproariously at nothing at all. Just experiencing refreshing enjoyment at being alive and letting everyone else know about it!

So that is it. It really is one of our problems. We need to find more sheer delight in everything around us.

And it happens much easier if we have a heart of gratitude.

A heart of gratitude has no room for depression or cynicism.

A heart of gratitude is a heart of joyful love.

Though you have not see Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.
                 --I Peter 1:8

That's exactly right! This joy He gives us is so deep and so wonderful that we cannot even find words to describe it to those who do not share our faith.
 Remember that poignant song we know only as "Untitled Hymn"?

And when the love spills over, and music fills the night
And when you can't contain the joy inside
Then dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus, dance for Jesus and live!

And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace and laugh on glory's side
Just fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus and live!

And in thy presence is fullness of joy.
(Psalm 16:11)

With all the joy He gives us now, it is hard to even try to imagine what the joy will be like when we are with Him!

And we will laugh there, on glory's side (without any joke books), probably much more than 75 times a day!

And that day will be the first day of the rest of our lives!

PS Here's a joke:

Two mischievous little boys, ages 8 and 10, were terrorizing the neighborhood. They were disobedient and caused havoc everywhere they went.

Their mother asked the pastor to speak with them.

"OK," he said, "but only if I can talk to them one at a time."

He called the younger boy into his office and challenged him, "Do you know where God is?"

The little boy sat quietly, thinking the question over.

The pastor asked again, a little louder: "Do you know where God is?"

The young lad sat there, and his eyes grew wide and his lip started quivering.

"Do you know where God is?" the pastor thundered.

The little boy jumped up and ran to the door, down the street to his home and upstairs to his brother's bedroom.

He burst into the room.

"We're really in big trouble now," he cried. "God is missing and they think we did it!"

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