Friday, June 12, 2020

As a man carries his son....

"And in the wilderness where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, 
in all the way that you went 
until you came to this place." Deuteronomy 1:31

Such a beautiful picture. Moses is here addressing his people just before they enter the Promised Land, and a few days before he died.

After 40 years wandering in the wilderness - reminding them of the hard times that were behind them, and now, look at where they are now! 

Remember how their faithful and loving Father God carried them in the rugged places - just like a loving father picks up his son and carries him over the rough spots, out of danger, into safety.

And we can look back, too, from where we are and remember how many times He carried us - until we got "to this place"...where we are now.

This might be a good day to look back and remember the hazardous road we have traveled to get to where we are now. (Actually, when you think about it, the only reason to ever look back is to see how far we have come!)

What a great Father we have!

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