Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sometimes It's About a Certain Place

 Sometimes It's About a Certain Place...

 I was talking to a friend recently about prayer. We both consciously pray a lot during the  day - while driving, shopping, even visiting - a quick  "Thank you, Lord," or "Please help me here, Lord," or "Help me say the right thing," "Glory to You Previous Savior!"...and sometimes just an explosive "Wow!"

But we were talking about that other special time when we get off by ourselves and quietly pray, and more importantly, wait for Him to speak to us.

Here are some of her thoughts: "You need a special place. Remember 'War Room'? She had a special place: a prayer closet. Even when you don't really want to stop and pray, a special place can often make it easier. Merely by showing up, you make a declaration of intent. You say, in effect, 'Lord, I don't even want to be here right now, but I am here!'"

After years of night-and-day prayer, she has come to believe that 99% of it is just showing up - and so she is making the effort to become  consciously present to her Lord God who is constantly present to her.

One of my friends uses her atrium a a 'prayer closet' where she goes each morning. Another has a sunroom that is private and available for her where she can leave her prayer journal out.

Another friend cherishes her special chair under an umbrella beneath the branches of her favorite tree.

For me, it's a small guest bedroom,  in which I have a year-round Christmas tree in the corner.  It seems to me to be especially important to remember the Incarnation of Our Lord. He is always Immanuel - "God with us!"

Anyway, I think a "Special Place" is important - but most important, JUST SHOW UP!

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