Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Rest of the Good News!

                            The Rest of the Good News!


   In the Book of the Revelation we read about God defeating His enemies, bringing judgment and declaring total and final victory. Casting  His enemies into hell.

    And we see how that inspires God's people to praise and worship Him! Just the thought of it inspires me to worship  Him and praise Him, too!

   Maybe we don't talk about this future event enough. Are we afraid that talking about God's judgment  will scare people away? That they will be "turned off" and use it as an excuse to dismiss the teachings of  our wonderful Savior? (But He is, after all, our Savior!)

     But God's victory over His enemies is part of the good news of the gospel. His enemies are evil. They are responsible for the mess the world is in right now, so everyone should look forward with great eagerness and anticipation to  God's  judgment of evil and His eternal victory. He will abolish  evil forever and restore goodness and righteousness forever!   

    Just think about it: children will be safe and cherished.  Cruelty and hatred will be gone. 

     No sadness.  No death. No animal abuse. No disease. 

     Let's talk about it more...remind people that someday everything will be turned back to the way it  was  meant to be originally and that's really good news!

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