Thursday, January 21, 2021

That Chuckle in the Darkness


That Chuckle in the Darkness....

When I was a child I wandered into the garage once to see my father working with some pieces of wood and his saw. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was just working. Everything looked in total chaos to me. I couldn't see that he was really making anything. And I told him so, because I, after all, was all-wise at age 8.

He chuckled and said I might see it all differently later. "Just be patient," he said.

And I was really surprised Christmas when I saw his work had crafted me a wonderful, almost true-to-life dollhouse! I was so proud of it!

I remember the way he chuckled. It was not in ridicule, or derision -  It was a loving, kind, chuckle of love.  And a special kind of love - like 'I love you and know you will be pleased.'

I think of that incident and consider God - He is the Father, waiting in the background, working things out and planning things - for us - and for His glory, knowing we will be really happy when we see it all unfold. "I love you and know you will be pleased!"

Our lives are like that - chaos and confusion - what more could possibly go wrong? How is this ever going to work out? And yet there is our Father, chuckling with love in the background - "I know this will ultimately make you happy" He says. "You just don't really see the whole picture yet. I love you and know you will be pleased."

In His unexplainable love, He crafts our lives, making them into what He wants, and what will finally make us happy. He loves us and now He is making us lovable! and happy to be His children.

So I often stop for a moment and listen for that "Chuckle in the darkness." And I hear it and can go on.. I heard it again today. 

I  encourage you: Be still and listen for that "Chuckle in the Darkness"!  You will probably need to hear it today!

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