Sunday, January 3, 2021

What do our friends say about us?


What do our friends says about us?

     Been thinking about who God chose first to hear about our Lord's birth. The

first big announcement went to the shepherds in the field watching their flocks that night. 

And God didn't keep the  most important part secret -- He told them clearly that it

was not just a notable birth, but that He was talking about Jesus,  the Savior, 

the long - awaited Messiah!

     It was a 'news brief' of highest importance.

     So why didn't He send His messengers to the Temple and tell everyone publicly - 

to the religious and political leaders? Surely they should be the first to know!

     But He chose the lowest group - some scholars say the shepherds were so low on the 

social scale that they were barred from the Temple Courts - they couldn't even worship 

with others!

     They were around blood and manure and pesty insects - they couldn't be allowed in 

proper society!

     And then remember who He appeared to at His resurrection - some common women, 

whose testimony couldn't even be recognized in  court - and some fishermen and 

tax collectors who claimed to His disciples.  Certainly far from the social elite, the doers 

and movers  of society --  the people who really mattered!

     Why didn't  He appear to Pilate and Herod - or better yet, to Caesar himself? 

Something must be wrong with His public relations staff. 

     But He chose the lowly and unimportant to witness these two big announcements:

 His birth and His resurrection!

     But isn't that what He always did? Throughout His ministry. Ignoring the high and 

mighty He chose to reveal Himself to the meek and ignoble. He had few illusterous 

friends, but mostly riff-raff and undesirable  people. Prostitutes, cheaters, lepers and

 disabled, beggars and criminals.  Those were His friends. 

      And look how comfortable they were around Him! They sought Him out! 

Not self-conscious or embarrassed or guilt ridden. Anxious to be with Him! 

.....The One who loved them.

      Those were His Friends.....who are our friends?


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