Thursday, January 7, 2021

Waiting for Someone to Stir the Waters?

                Waiting for Someone to Stir the Waters?

Thoughts from Angie Smith:

When Jesus approaches a man who's been crippled for 38 years, Jesus asks him if he wants to be  healed. (You can read the whole account in John 5)

Given that the man had been sitting there with other invalids for years, waiting for water from a healing pool to be stirred to get healed, we can assume the answer is "yes."

But that's not what he says; in fact, he doesn't even answer the question.

He tells Jesus he never gets a chance to go in because everyone goes before him, and no one helps him. He's so caught up thinking about the reasons he hasn't been healed that he doesn't even hear what Christ is asking.

When we allow our past experiences to dictate our future expectations, we spend our time sitting still by healing waters, instead of trusting the voice of our Healer. We forget it's not the natural that heals us - it's the supernatural.

(Are we really listening to Jesus?)

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