Monday, January 18, 2021

Don't Know Where We Are Headed?


                          This Is Where We Are Headed

These are fearful times. I hear people say, "I am just not  really sure where all this is headed." Even some Christians express this. 

Wake up, friends! We do know where this is all headed. We have a lot of details given to us in God's Word to help us see the road ahead. Certainly enough to take the scary out of it!

We know our world is headed toward more sin and lawlessness. Our world is headed for a time when people will cry out for a government that controls the entire world, led by one leader, powerful and evil enough to speak out against everything God wants.

And somewhere in all this, the Lord Jesus will swoop down and take His church out of this world and take us to our eternal home. He will allow this world to destroy itself for a while  - leading to unbearable pain and suffering.  But the hearts of most will be cold and indifferent concerning the Lord Jesus and His plan for the future.

Then Jesus will return and He will conquer the evil leaders running this world. We who are His believers will come with Him as He goes to the last battle. We won't need to help Him fight for He will win by the Word of His mouth. 

Then Jesus will establish His righteous and glorious reign over the earth and we will reign with Him. After a thousand years He will  contest the devil one last time. Leading to the evil ones total defeat. And we will live on a new earth and a new heaven worshipping our Lord forever in the beauty of His holiness and in the glory of His presence with us FOREVER!

So focus on this:  not what's wrong with the world but what is going to be made right!

This is a great day - because it brings us one day to closer to the fulfillment of all of human history. 

                         We know for sure where all this is headed!

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